Commando is a great way to build team spirit or enjoy an office away day

Team work is essential to any Commando and this is why our military obstacle course provide an excellent corporate team day. Commando Obstacle Mud Run at Hever Castle will ensure your office has a unique and memorable corporate day out! How our team days make a difference:

  • Improves morale
    A chance for the team to participate together in a new experience, to work towards a common aim
  • Encourages creativity
    Developing creative problem-solving skills transfer back to the workplace
  • Increases productivity
    With teamwork you can achieve much more in the same time
  • Working as a team
    Identifies a team’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Get Involved
    Companies wishing to take part in Commando please complete the form below.


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    Matrix Events Ltd collects your data on behalf of the Commando Series to process your contact request.

    The requested data is needed to meet your request. The data will be kept for three years to ensure follow-up. The information transmitted is reserved for the exclusive use of Matrix Events Ltd and will under no circumstances be communicated to third parties.

    As of May 25, 2018, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations, you will have the right to delete your data. You may also object, for a legitimate reason, to the use of your data. You alone can exercise these rights to your own data by writing to Matrix Events Ltd, The Old Bank, Penshurst Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN11 8DB or, specifying “Right of persons” in the e-mail subject line and enclosing a copy of your proof of identity.

    Commando "Drop In"

    Want our Commando Course at your event?

    We have created an immense course at Cholmondeley Castle for the Fraser Group at Frasers Festival 2024. The Fraser Fearless Challenge was a Herculean course enjoyed by thousands of Fraser Group employees and we loved putting it together. We have also created obstacle courses for Gone Wild Festivals in Norfolk and Devon this year, which were absolutely epic.

    If you you have an event that could be Commandoed, do get in touch – we’d love to hear from you!